Ape Auto-Liquidity Engine
Liquidity is a big pool of money that is split 50/50 between $APEP tokens and $BNB tokens. There is a conversion ratio that is set to the amount of $APEP you can exchange for with BNB, for example: 1 BNB = 24.66 APEP. Liquidity allows for anybody to buy & sell their APEP/BNB at any time.
Nonetheless, the less money/liquidity there is in the pool, the worse price you get. Hence, we have designed the Ape Auto-Liquidity Engine to periodically add more liquidity to the LP and keep the pool stable.
How the Ape Auto-Liquidity Engine works:
Every 48 hours the Ape Auto-Liquidity Engine will inject automatic liquidity into the market.
Ape Protocol automatically takes a 5% tax fee for every buy or sell order to store in an Auto-LP wallet. Our built-in Smart Contract will cleverly take 50% of the stored $APEP to purchase BNB at current market price, which combines with the remaining 50% $APEP in the Auto-LP wallet to provide a 50/50 weighting of APEP/BNB liquidity.
This additional liquidity raises the amount of liquidity in the pool and helps combat market fluctuation as well as the positive rebase rewards. By adding more and more liquidity to the pool, the Ape Auto-Liquidity Engine allows $APEP token holders to easily buy and sell their tokens any time with little to no market slippage.
Additionally, it will also contribute to the protocol stability and make sure that the APY is upheld for the entire life of APEP.
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